Don't Waste Your Life
John Piper
When Seth Rhodebeck (one of our elders) preached for us recently, he challenged us with this truth: "The grace of God did not purchase you a long stay at a bed & breakfast to luxuriously live out the days of your life and then ease into heaven. Instead, the grace of God purchased you by the blood of Jesus Christ and entered you into a race that you are to run to win."
If you want to grow in learning how to run the race God has given us and to live for eternal things, read John Piper’s excellent book Don’t Waste Your Life. Piper helps us see that life is short and we need to live with intentionality to make it count. He shares his own journey of learning to live for eternal things, then challenges us from God’s Word. Chapters include topics such as taking risk, the role of suffering, and how to glorify God in our daily work.